Thestatehood day is celebrated on 5 June, the founding day of the Haiduk Republic of Mijat Tomić, at the seat of the Republic – Hajdučke Vrleti.

Haiduk, democratic and independent, the Republic was founded on 5 June 2002. Its sovereign jurisdiction encompasses an area the borders of which extend from the highest peak of Vran Mountain to the St. Ante chapel all the way to the Risovac – Kedžara intersection. It is forbidden here to form political parties or to engage in any political activities, as this threatens the legal order and the health of the people. The legal order is guarded and protected by the elite haiduk guarda. The Republic has its own currency, the Constitution, the flag, the anthem and passports.

Announcing the best citizen and best minister

On Statehood Day, the achievements are summarized and the best citizen and best minister announced. They receive a prize consisting of a free stay in the capital – the hotel- restaurant Hajdučke Vrleti. The celebration continues with a special program with an abundance of traditional Herzegovinian delicacies, good wine and appropriate entertainment. The is also an occasion to honour the character and work of Vinko Vukoja – Lastvića, founder and ruler-president of the Haiduk Republic of MijatTomić.

Join us for the next celebration of Statehood Day at its seat – hotel- restaurant Hajdučke Vrleti.