Five years ago, on 25 November 2014, our dear Vinko Šarić Ćurdušić left us at the age of 79. Vinko was a seven-time champion and the most trophy-laden competitor of the event “Lie and Stay Alive”, a competition of honest people in telling lies, that is held every year at Hajdučke Vrleti.
As the name of the event suggests, honest man Vinko was good in lying for the purposes of the competition or, as he often emphasized, he narrated the truth in a lying competition. Regardless of his apparent breach of competition rules, he remains alive forever in our memories, and this story is our tribute to him even though it can hardly measure up to his legacy.
His laughter was contagious, and although he was winning titles year after year, he seemed to be rejoicing over and over again. No, he wasn’t looking forward to these earthly honours or material rewards, he was looking forward to your and our joy. Over time, he fell in love with that adrenaline rush when a cheering crowd of sympathizers, friends and family members sang together: “Curdusic is the world champion“.
He was a generous sort
And he was a true champion. The winner is easy to spot. While the other contestants made up two, three short stories throughout the year, the late Curdusic was making up a story after story, a pun after pun as he went along and even during the competition itself. He was a generous sort. He didn’t hide his tales jealously from others saving them for other occasions and other trophies, he wasn’t ‘quick on the trigger’ to permanently discourage his competition for his life, and it was not because he reached the pinnacle of life and perhaps felt he didn’t have much time left. He just loved laughing.
He laughed contagiously even when the legendary host of the ceremony and the late Ruler, now far back in 2006, invited the fake winner on stage in accord with their and the spirit of the competition. He was laughing with equal intensity when he was subsequently returned to the throne with the winner’s song and cheering from the crowd.
He easily won the liking even from neutral visitors. They simply felt that vibe, emotion, sense of belonging, togetherness, and nonchalance of the winner, and it is typical for humans to be on the winning side.
Like father, like son, this year’s winner, his son Marinko, continues a family tradition after his father’s death, not only by participating in this unusual event, but also by maintaining dominance. In this way, the role of the Šarić family in popularizing the competition has been further strengthened.
We would like to thank him for all those moments when he made us happy and cheerful, for the many stories, puns, spoofs and jokes.
Champion, we’ll remember you for your jokes.
Rest in Peace!
Svidila se meni jedna cura Ruže, pa ja poš’o k njoj. A ona meni kaže: ‘Vinko, kada upalim sviću na prozoru, ti dođi. A ako ne vidiš sviću da gori, znači da sam drugog naručila, pa ne dolazi da se ne bi pomlatili‘. I tako jednu večer odlučio ja otići do Ruže. Bila velika pomrčina, ništa se nije vidilo. Kad sam doš’o do njezine kuće, čujem ja kako kopa netko pijesak. I dok sam podig’o glavu da vidim gori li svića, upade ja u nekakvu rupu. Pođe me netko degenječit. Pa tučem ja njega, a tuče i on mene, i tako dok nam nije dodijalo oboma. Vičem ja njemu: ‘Javi se, bolan, reci jesi to i ti poš’o kod Ruže?!‘ A on neće da se javi, pa opet, udri šakama, on mene, a ja njega. Kad odjednom, on se odmače od mene, iskoči i tada se oglasi. Kad ja pogledah, a ono magare. Ispade da sam se tuk’o s magarcem. Ajd’ nema veze, mislim se u sebi. Izaš’o ja, pa se i ja s njim oglasio. I onda sam pozv’o Ružu: ‘Ruže moja, evo ti došli prosci.‘
Krenuli mi pijani iz svatova, pa se kasnije sitili da nismo na rastanku poljubili mladu, što je kod nas običaj. Kad tamo, ona legla, a mi zovemo da nam otvori kako bi je poljubili. Ona veli da nemere izać jerbo se skinula za spavanje, pa da se more s nama izljubit kroz prozor. Pristali mi, pa ja krenem prvi i poljubim mladu u onom mračilu, onda je poljubi Pere, pa Jure. Kad smo krenuli nazad, ja velim: “Dobro ti je Matko razbuca mladu, još mi puna usta kose.”
– Issa ti draga, koliki su obrazi u mlade, a nema nosa nikako, doda Pere.
– A smrdi joj, brte, iz usta ka iz guzice, veli Jure.
I odma se sva trojica dositili šta smo ljubili. Bila bećar ta mlada pa nam kroz prozor izbacila golu stražnjicu.